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Named Decomposable Objects The Local Sub-routines and System Sub-routine objects are common to a structure. When a Local or System Sub-routine is created the Create Subroutine dialog is displayed. Right clicking on a Decomposable Object will display the hidden Objects in the main window. Right clicking on main Object in the Decomposed window will return to the parent Object. The drop-down list contains a list of existing Sub-routines, either Local Sub-routines or System Sub-routines. An existing Sub-routine can be selected from the drop-down list or a new one can be created by typing a name in the 'Subroutine name' field. The name must be unique. Typing an existing Sub-routine name will automatically select the Sub-routine. Sub-routine names are case sensitive so 'Subroutine' is not the same as 'SubRoutine'. When editing a Sub-routine Object, the first line of text is the Sub-routine name. The Sub-routine name can be changed by editing this line. The other three lines are intended for use as parameter data. Editing these at the Decomposed level changes the Sub-routine definition. Editing them at a none decomposed level changes only the edited Object. Editing an Object, either by selecting the Edit icon and clicking the object or right clicking on a basic Object displays the Edit dialog. More text than can be fitted in the displayed Object can be entered. The top left display provides an indication of how it will look. The Syntax style is only applied after selecting OK. If you change the Syntax style then select OK and reselect Edit Object. For the Programmers Model the default Syntax style is selected in the Preferences dialog. For the General Model the default is always 'text/plain'. Text that is spelt incorrectly is underlines. Simply place the mouse pointer over the underlined text to be offered spelling corrections in a pop-up box. Click the correct text, if available, in the pop-up box to replace the mis-spelt word.
Keyboard accelerator keys are shown on the menus above.. The Preferences dialog enabled the setting of 'General' options, 'Object Text' options, 'Colours' options and 'Confirmation' options.
The font dialog allows the selection of the font name and style for use in the Objects in the main window. The font size sets the default font size and is also used to determine the visible size of the displayed Objects. Both font and Object size are can modified by the use of the '+' and '-' keys. The last used font, style and size will be reselected when Thought! is reopened..